What are the beginning and the late stages of renal failure?

What is renal failure?

At the time of chronic kidney disease, the kidneys do not usually fail at once rather in stages, developing slowly over the years. The beginning stages of renal failure are often recoverable with medicines, and lifestyle changes may help slow down the progression of kidney disease. A healthy diet is the most important part of the treatment because when being diseased, the kidneys cannot remove the waste. So, it is essential that anything the produce of which is hard to be processed ought to be eliminated at this time be it in terms of meals or anything else.

What are the stages of renal failure?

To help people with kidney disease, the National Kidney Foundation has created a guideline to help patients and doctors identify each stage of kidney disease. There are in total five stages of chronic kidney disease. By learning about the stage of kidney disease, you can start your affordable chronic kidney disease treatment in India.

Each stage has different sets of symptoms, test results, dietary requirements, and treatment process. So, understanding the stages of chronic kidney disease is essential.

Glomerular filtration rate (GFR)
Glomerular filtration rate (GFR) is defined as the measurement of kidney function. The GFR signifies how efficiently the kidneys are working. It is a mathematical formula that derives the result based on the person’s age, gender, and the Creatinine level.

A serum Creatinine test is a blood test done to measure the level of Creatinine in the body. Creatinine is a waste product that is produced because of muscle metabolism. It stays in the blood and the healthy kidneys remove them along with the urine. However, during impaired kidney function Creatinine level rises.

Based on the GFR, the beginning and the late stages of renal failure are as follow:

• Stage 1 with normal or high GFR (GFR > 90 mL/min)
• Stage 2 Mild CKD (GFR = 60-89 mL/min)
• Stage 3A Moderate CKD (GFR = 45-59 mL/min)
• Stage 3B Moderate CKD (GFR = 30-44 mL/min)
• Stage 4 Severe CKD (GFR = 15-29 mL/min)
• Stage 5 End Stage CKD (GFR <15 mL/min)

Stage 1:
Stage 1 also called the beginning stage of renal failure occurs when the creatinine level in the blood is slightly above normal. But GFR level under this stage is greater than 90 ml/min and considered normal. Usually, there are no symptoms to show this because even at this time the kidneys do their job very well. However, if you are in stage 1, you need to control your blood pressure and blood sugar level.

Stage 2:
Stage 2 means the GFR level has reduced and come down between 60-89 ml/min. Even by this stage, there are no signs to tell your kidney function is low. People remain unaware of the fact that their kidney function is low by this time. In case if they ever do, it is because they were being tested for other conditions such as diabetes or high blood pressure. These two risk factors should be carefully managed to prevent further damage to the kidneys.

Stage 3:
A person within his stage 3 of renal failure has a moderate loss of kidney function. The GFR level at this stage drops in between 30-59 ml/min. As the kidney function gets reduced, waste and fluid level in the body starts increasing. The complications in this stage arise because of uremia or fluid retention. Many patients in this stage start noticing swelling in their hands, feet, and other body parts. Also, they develop a poor appetite and notice changes in their urination.

Stage 4:
Stage 4 is amongst the last stages of renal failure with a decreased GFR in the range 15-30 ml/min. In this stage, patients need dialysis or transplant to increase the survival rate. As the kidney function gets declined, hazardous levels of waste buildup in the blood causing the risk of heart failure. The other common complications that appear at this time include anemia, high blood pressure, bone, and mineral-related disorders, proteinuria, and heart disease.

Stage 5:
This is the last stage of renal failure and also called end-stage renal disease. At this time, the GFR level drops to 15 ml/min or less. By this stage, the kidneys cannot perform their job effectively and so eventually dialysis and transplant are the only way to survive. However, a patient with ESRD can take affordable chronic kidney disease treatment in India to permanently get over kidney failure. As far now, only Ayurveda has the capacity to revive the damage to the kidneys while dialysis is just a way to increase life by the time you are dependent on it.

Can diet resolve CKD or chronic kidney disease complications?

Yes, a healthy diet can help recover kidney function in the beginning stages of renal failure. A diet makes half a portion of the kidney disease recovery process. For information on diet and ayurvedic treatment kindly visit Karma Ayurveda Health.

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