Does Ayurvedic Treatment Cure Protein in Urine Naturally?

Proteinuria signifies an increased level of protein in the urine. As we all know, protein is an essential substance for the body that helps build bone and muscle, maintain a fluid level balance, prevent and combat several infections. Having so many uses of proteins, they should be there in your blood. In some cases, a high and abnormal amount of protein leaks out from the blood to the urine, which is problematic. It might be an early sign of kidney damage or any severe kidney disease and vice-versa. Proteinuria treatment in Ayurveda helps normalize the protein level in urine by targeting and fixing its underlying cause.

When does protein get into urine?

Kidneys are the organs that regulate protein levels in your blood as well as urine. In other words, healthy kidneys do not allow the necessary amount of protein to pass from their filters and keep them in your blood. Though, a little amount of protein is present in your urine. The normal protein amount present in your urine is lower than 150 mg/day. So, primarily, protein leakage in urine indicates that your kidneys are not working correctly. While in some cases, it is seen that the condition exists for a temporary period, which is not severe at all; thus doesn’t need any sole cure.

But in some other cases of abnormal protein leakage in urine, kidney damage or any severe kidney problem is the root cause. The exact cause of abnormal protein loss in urine can be measured by analyzing some patient's urine samples. Besides, blood tests and a few other tests help determine the protein level present in your urine. A few other tests, such as Screening tests and Biopsy, can be conducted to detect abnormal protein in urine. Health conditions mainly diabetes, high blood pressure, and reduced blood supply to kidneys can damage nephrons in your kidneys, leading to abnormal leakage of protein in urine. While some other factors such as strenuous workout, emotional stress, intake of a protein-rich diet can raise your protein in urine amount temporarily, this is not problematic and thus needs no cure.

The signs and symptoms commonly appear in proteinuria are frequent urination, nausea, vomiting, poor appetite, swelling in hands, face or ankles, foamy urine, breath shortness, etc. In general, a person having proteinuria doesn't develop any symptoms in his body. When kidney damage takes its advanced form, you can experience most of these symptoms in your body. Ayurvedic treatment for protein in urine follows the best healing approach to relieve signs of abnormal leakage of protein in urine.

What to do if you have proteinuria?

Proteinuria is a condition that can be cured only by eliminating the complications, but this health problem also requires the restoration of the damaged kidney portion that is glomeruli. If a healing program that possesses restorative property can prove to be the best cure for abnormal protein in urine. Now, if you put Allopathy on this aspect, you will experience that this advanced healing science can only manage the complication, can’t help in kidney function or health restoration. So, this treatment is not proved to be the best healing option for protein in the urine. Now, if we put an ancient healing science, Ayurveda, you will find that this treatment can turn to be miraculous for proteinuria patients. The reason is, this healing science has a unique working principle that includes the elimination of proteinuria complications and restoration of kidney health responsible for abnormal leakage of protein in urine.

Ayurveda, the age-old remedy science, works on the deeper causes of damaged kidney health and cures them to provide permanent relief. The main parts of proteinuria treatment in Ayurveda are herbal medicines, diet, Yoga, and some lifestyle modifications. A well-researched combination of these practices makes your kidney healthy and capable of efficiently performing their natural functions. Whenever you experience complications and symptoms similar to proteinuria, don’t neglect them and try to consult a kidney expert as soon as possible.

The regular practice of specific Yoga, practices, herbal medicines, and lifestyle modifications improve overall kidney health naturally, and thus, the problem of protein in urine is solved. Thus, opt for the best Ayurvedic treatment for protein in urine and permanently remove all your proteinuria complications.

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