Kidney disease treatment - Dr. Puneet, kidney specialist

What is kidney disease?

The kidneys are two bean-shaped organs. Each kidney is about the size of a fist. They are located at the bottom of the rib cage, one on each side of the spine.

The kidneys filter blood and remove impurities, excess minerals and salts, and excess water from the body. Kidneys also regulate hormones that help produce red blood cells, promote bone health, and regulate blood pressure.

Kidney disease occurs when the kidneys get damaged. They are unable to perform their functions and can’t filter the blood the way they should. Without the treatment, the damage to the kidneys may progress, which can be life-threatening. Kidney disease in children can even lead to end-stage renal disease (ESRD) or kidney failure.

How does kidney disease affect children?

Children can get affected by many kidney-related diseases. Kidney disease can cause learning problems in children because the waste buildup in the body can slow down nerve and brain functions. Their quality of life also gets affected when the kidney does not sufficiently work. The most severe problems occur when the kidney disease is present starting early in infancy.

Children face various challenges. Children with kidney disease may have trouble concentrating and may develop language and motor skills more slowly than their peers. Kidney disease can affect children both physically and mentally. A child may also have to put a halt to school and studies which can affect their normal life. Bed-wedding is one of the common complications of kidney disease in children, which brings them embarrassment.

Children with kidney disease can get affected in many ways, such as:

● Low self-image
● Depression
● Learning problems
● Slow growth
● Behavior problems
● Relationship problems
● Mental confusion
● Less confidence
● Stress

Kidney disease can be short-term or long-term, depending upon how well the kidneys are functioning. There are 2 types of kidney disease:

● Acute kidney disease: Acute kidney disease onset suddenly. It can be reversed with the proper treatment approach, and the kidneys can return to function normally again.
● Chronic kidney disease: Chronic kidney disease may get worse gradually. It can lead to permanent kidney failure.

The allopathic doctors put a child on medications that can be harmful. They usually suggest getting treated with a kidney transplant or dialysis. Procedures like these can increase challenges for the children and even their parents.

Fortunately, at Karma Ayurveda, ayurvedic treatment for kidney disease in children by Dr. Puneet kidney specialist, can improve and reverse these problems. It is a natural way of curbing the disease.

What are the symptoms of kidney disease in children?

Kidney disease in children leads to the development of several signs and symptoms such as:

● Poor appetite
● Vomiting
● Bone pain
● Headache
● Increased urine output
● Pale skin
● Chronic urinary tract infections
● Bad breath
● Tissue swelling
● Irritability
● Change in mental alertness

What are the causes of kidney disease in children?

Birth defects

Kidney disease develops during fetal development. There are three conditions in which the child is born with kidney defects:

● A child born with only one kidney
● A child is born with both kidneys, while one of them does not function well.
● A child is born with a kidney that is located below, above, or on the opposite side of its usual position.

Hereditary disease

In this condition, kidney disease is passed from the parent to the child through genes. Polycystic kidney disease (PKD) is an inherited kidney disorder in which clusters of cysts develop within kidneys, causing kidneys to enlarge and lose function. Another hereditary disease is Alport syndrome, a condition that leads to scarring of the kidneys. This disease develops in early childhood and is more serious in boys than girls.


An infection occurs when an unusual type or too many bacteria or virus enters the body. Certain infections generally harm the kidneys. Glomerulonephritis and hemolytic uremic syndrome are kidney diseases that can develop in a child after an infection.

Nephrotic Syndrome

A nephrotic syndrome is a group of symptoms that indicate kidney damage. It is a disorder that causes the body to pass too much protein in the urine. The most common causes of nephrotic syndrome in children are diabetes, minimal change disease, and focal segmental glomerulonephritis.

Systemic Diseases

A systemic disease affects the whole body as opposed to a part of the body or one organ. Systemic diseases, such as Systemic lupus erythematosus (lupus) and Diabetes mellitus, harm the kidneys and can cause kidney disease.


Traumas such as physical injury, burns, dehydration, bleeding, or surgery can cause extremely low blood pressure, which decreases blood flow to the kidneys.

Low blood flow can injure the kidneys and cause them to suddenly stop working, resulting in acute kidney failure.

Urine blockage

When a blockage develops between the kidneys and the urethra, urine can back up into the kidneys and cause serious damage. The urine flowing from the bladder up to the kidney happens when the valve between the bladder and the ureter does not close all the way.

The above-mentioned underlying causes of kidney disease can be treated with the help of Ayurvedic treatment for kidney disease in children. It focuses on the root cause of the disease and provides the permanent treatment.

How to diagnose kidney disease in children?

Your doctor may ask you to get the following tests done for kidney disease in children:

● Dipstick test
● Urine test
● Blood test
● Imaging tests
● Kidney biopsy

How does Ayurveda help to cure kidney disease in children?

Ayurveda is an age-old treatment that has been carried out for generations. Its perspective revolves around the mind, body, and soul. Ayurveda treats all body ailments through natural herbs and ingredients.

These herbs are deprived of any ill consequences and provide permanent relief to children with kidney disease. Ayurvedic treatment for kidney disease in children is known for its nature-based procedures that comprise healthy diet plans along with lifestyle modifications for children with kidney disease.

Ayurvedic medicines are the safest to treat children as it has no side effects, doesn't involve any dangerous treatments, and prevents the relapsing of the disease.

We all know that each child is unique and requires a different treatment approach according to the condition of their kidneys. If your child or anyone you know is suffering from kidney disease, then reach us at Karma Ayurveda. We will help you to make your vitality disease-free.

Karma Ayurveda has been providing its natural treatments since 1937.  Under the guidance of Dr. Puneet kidney specialist, all ayurvedic treatments are being carried out to treat patients with kidney disease naturally.

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