Does Ayurvedic medicine affect the kidney?

The problem of nephrotic syndrome-

Working of kidneys can be defined as the most essential work for the body. They function regularly to keep all the toxins and waste material out from the body, and ensure a better health. Kidneys as discussed prior are the foremost working organ of the body, working by keeping the blood and body clean from all the toxins. However the issue arises once these kidneys experience an accident or any damage. Unbalanced Diet and not regulated life style may damage the filtering rate of the kidneys resulting in nephrotic syndrome.

Particularly speaking about nephrotic syndrome it is not a random disease or malady, but a condition that indicates the injury within the kidneys. During this problem of nephrotic syndrome, the tiny blood vessels within the kidneys are broken and aren't in the working condition to filter the waste properly, excreting a large amount of albumin from the body in the way of urine. This problem ends up damaging the kidney furthermore causing nephrotic syndrome or albuminuria.

#NephroticSyndromeayurvedicmedicine is often trustworthy as it is a customised cure for the patient. As it treats the syndrome without showing any harmful impact on the body. It naturally manages the quantity of protein or albumin within the body and keeps the balance of the body while not inflicting any more bad effects.

Causes for the problem of nephrotic syndrome-

There are various factors to blame for inflicting the chances of nephrosis in an individual, and a few of them can be listed as-

1. Genetic problem or family history-
If there's a genetic issue of capillary scarring or injury in the kidney then that would eventually cause the condition of nephrotic syndrome and may affect you.

2. Problem of autoimmune disorder-
Autoimmune diseases like lupus are one in all the explanations for injury in organs like kidneys. And this might end in severe kidney damage, inflammation, or pain within the kidneys, leading to the problem of nephrosis.

3. Consuming a high dose of painkillers regularly-
Consuming a high quantity of painkillers is recognized as harmful for the traditional functioning of the kidneys. And once the blood vessels in kidneys have revived damage, it may lead to nephrosis.

4. Being a diabetic patient-
Diabetes is one of the high-risk factors of urinary organ injury. High levels of sugar in blood will affect the kidneys and its vessels, which might realise the additional quantity of albumin into the urine, and this side effect of diabetes may end up in nephrotic syndrome.

5. Patient of high blood pressure or hypertension-
Just like other polygenic diseases, the problem of high-pressure level may cause a urinary organ injury in a person and might scar the inner layer of kidneys, that isn't perfect to filter the blood properly and slip out some quantity of protein, once more indicating the diseases of nephrotic kidney syndrome.

The #Nephrotic Syndrome ayurvedic medicine works on these causes instead of simply operating within the symptoms of the patients, the ayurvedic medicines are customized for particular patients with no effects on any other organ and body. Once the correct cause is being detected the perfect treatment is often provided simply.

Cure for the problem of nephrosis-
Nephrotic syndrome is being treated in many various ways that vary from simple medication to chemical analysis or chemical-based medicines, which are totally different ways in curing the diseases. However, Nephrotic Syndrome ayurvedic medicine works on the parameter of natural treatment instead of just adding a dose of painkillers and chemical-based medicine. The Ayurveda works on the balance of the body, as It believes that the cure and treatment come from within the body, not from the outer factors.

If the diet, lifestyle, physical activity like exercise, and sleep pattern of a particular patient is maintained these factors could cure the impairments easily. Same works with the nephrotic syndrome, once the patient regulates the diet and other external and internal factors the problem is easily cured. Ayurvedic parameters are related to-

Cure the doshas of the patient, and lead them to a healthier self.

Doshas according to Ayurveda are-

1. Vata doshas
2. Pitta doshas
3. Kapha doshas

Once the dosh is regulated the nephrotic disease is cured easily, and naturally. Also cutting the amount of sodium intake can help in curing the problems. Keep a watch on your blood pressure level levels and glucose levels, as an impact over them will surely cut back the possibility of any kidney injury and damage of nephrotic syndrome.

Changes in the lifestyle can be included in the patients routine-

1. Do not drink alcohol or smoke at all.
2. Do not get into exercises that tire the patient.
3. Practice regular yoga asanas and meditation.
4. Do not consume a high quantity of painkillers.

Ayurveda has the best impact on the kidneys and cures the impairments from the insides. Our body is sensitive and it deserves a natural cure that does not impose a negative effect on the body.

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