Can kidney patients drink alcohol?

Drinking alcohol can affect your body in various ways. A little alcohol usually has no harmful effect, but if you are regular, no one can save you from the consequences that alcohol consumption brings into your life. It can damage your kidneys, worsen heart health, and deteriorate the function of the liver.

Alcohol and your kidneys

As you know, your kidneys constitute an important part of the blood filtering units of the body. They filter toxic wastes from the blood, and one of those wastes they excrete out is alcohol. Alcohol consumption is largely linked to blood pressure which changes the functions of the healthy kidneys and makes them less operational. High blood pressure is the major factor that spikes up the risk of kidney damage even in an otherwise healthy person. More than 2 drinks of alcohol can double the risk of acute renal failure.

Your kidneys need proper fluid to filter waste from the body and when you drink too much alcohol, the body gets dries out. This also affects the working of the cells and tissues in the body.

Drinking alcohol for a long time can damage your liver. Liver diseases harm the important balancing factor of the blood flow. Kidneys need proper blood flow in order to perform filtration, and when your liver malfunctions, it disturbs the functioning of the kidneys as well.

For those with diabetes and chronic kidney disease, alcohol consumption is not safe even when you are taking a limited amount of drink. Alcohol on an empty stomach can drop down the blood sugar levels in the body which may further harm your kidneys. However, it would be better if you talk to your healthcare provider about the same.

Should you completely shake off alcohol?

Having more than 2 drinks of alcohol per day is harmful to the health of an individual. In women, heavy drinking is something that exceeds 1 glass of drink per day. Women, the elderly, and pregnant ladies are never advised to take alcohol and so should be careful. The limit of alcohol consumption is different in males and females due to the fact that men have more weight and thus process alcohol differently. Women have different reactions to alcohol also because they have less fluid in their body and so alcohol dilutes in a different way.

Binge drinking can raise the risk of kidney disease up to two times. It is also linked to increased blood pressure to dangerous levels. A persistent increase in hypertension or high blood pressure can abruptly lead to decreasing kidney function, known as acute renal failure. Though acute renal failure can be cured with the help of ayurvedic kidney disease treatment, in some cases, the damage is so severe that the patient cannot survive the pain.

However, some patients are suggested to not to drink at all. If they have medical conditions or already on medications then the effect of alcohol on such persons are different.

The risk of having CKD because of alcohol consumption is more in women than in men.

The takeaway

When it comes to drinking; moderation should be kept in mind. Drinking alcohol on a regular basis can increase the risk of cardiovascular diseases, liver disorders, and end-stage renal disease severely. Be careful of the ingredients and nutrients of the beverage you pick to have.

A kidney patient or those with a risk of kidney disease should not make any dietary changes in their lives without consulting a renal dietician.

Karma Ayurveda is a kidney care hospital in Delhi, India that serves patients with ayurvedic medicines only. The ayurvedic kidney disease treatment by Doctor Puneet has helped heal more than 1,20,000 kidney patients and saved them from the protocol of dialysis. The herbal medications by him are prepared following the guidelines of Ayurveda, thus completely free from any side effects.

If you also want an ayurvedic treatment for yourself, then contact Dr. Puneet Kidney Specialist!

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