Best Ayurvedic Kidney treatment Specialist and Nephrologist

Kidneys and Ayurveda


We all are aware of the problems that can affect your kidneys severely. All these diseases upset the nephrons present in our kidneys. Nephrons are the functional unit of kidneys. The study of medications related to nephrons and kidneys is called nephrology, and the person who is associated with the treatment is known as a nephrologist.

In the case of kidney problems, you should always consult a nephrologist as he will understand your problems best.

If we talk about the capital city of India, Delhi, many hospital services have been helping people to overcome any health-related issues for years. Many efficient doctors are assisting people day and night. One such person is Dr. Puneet Dhawan, who is an Ayurvedic nephrologist. In this blog, we will be reading more about the efficiency of Ayurveda over allopathic methods of treatment and the methods of treatment adopted by kidney expert Dr. Puneet Dhawan.

Ayurveda or Allopathy, which one is the best?

Ayurveda and Allopathy both have their pros and cons. Both are the methods that can be used for the treatment of your health-related issues. Many people have their belief in Allopathy, whereas a part of the population believes in the treatment done by Ayurveda. But before jumping over any conclusion, let us understand both Allopathy and Ayurveda for once.


Allopathy comprises of the painkillers, injections, surgeries, and many other methods that can help a person to fight the disease, or we should say, fight the symptoms. This medicine helps the person to get quick relief from the problem. Let us read about some of the significant methods of Allopathy.

● Renal Transplant

Renal Transplant or kidney transplant is replacing one or both kidneys by a donor’s kidney. This step is taken when there is severe damage to the kidney/ or failed kidneys. It is a surgical procedure to replace the damaged kidney with a healthy kidney in a human body. There are many reasons due to which Ayurvedic nephrologists in India and all around the world stand firmly with Ayurvedic treatment only? Renal Transplant includes risks, such as excessive bleeding or clotting, infection, rejection of the donated kidney, and maybe death. Also, there are side effects of renal transplants. These include excessive hair loss or hair growth, acne, edema, high blood pressure & cholesterol level, and bone thinning.

● Dialysis

Dialysis is an artificial process of filtering wastes from the body with the help of machines. It is performed when the kidneys fail to perform their functions. There are many risks and side effects associated with dialysis. This is the main reason due to which many Ayurvedic kidney specialists say no to dialysis and believe in herbs rather than machines. Dialysis includes risks like lack of blood in a body (Anemia), high level of potassium in the blood, abnormal weight gain, stomach pain, hernia, weakness in bones, delayed renal recovery, and low blood pressure. Also, the side effects associated with dialysis are blood clotting, hernia, unexpected weight gain, loss of appetite, itchy & dry skin, mental illness, and sexual incapability.


No matter what is the stage of your kidney disease, Ayurveda has treatment for every stage. Ayurvedic treatment will never leave you with side effects and risks. All the best Ayurvedic doctor for kidneys around the world favors Ayurveda as it is more than natural. Ayurveda refreshes your body through and through. It rejuvenates all the damaged cells of your renal system and provides you with a new refreshed sense of living. It helps in boosting your confidence and brings the best out of you. There is no cut and surgeries required in Ayurveda, and it is just you and herbs. Kidney expert Dr. Puneet Dhawan says that an excellent renal diet and a small number of physical activities will be helpful to you. Ayurvedic nephrologists in India shares one of the recommended Ayurvedic treatments that he gives to his patients by replacing the renal transplant & dialysis with Ayurvedic kidney treatment:

1. A mixture of Goksurwadi, Guggulu, Triphala, Trikatu, Musta
2. Varunaditvak, Bilva moola, Apamarga, Chitrakmooda, Arani, Shigeru, Bruhati, Kirattikta, Karanja, Shatavari
3. Rasayanchurna
4. PunarnavadiKvatha
It is not just right but a smart choice to choose Ayurveda over Allopathy.

Methods of treatment adopted by kidney expert Dr. Puneet Dhawan

Dr. Puneet Dhawan has been considered as the best nephrologist in India who gives 100% assured and authentic Ayurvedic kidney treatment. Ayurveda is the natural way to cure diseases and doesn’t have any side effects if taken, as suggested by the certified physicians. He believes that Ayurveda is such an authoritative source that it can revitalize even the kidneys’ failure. He is leading Karma Ayurveda Health with his modern techniques of Ayurveda. His beliefs and knowledge of work have brought a revolution in the ayurvedic treatments. Also, he is ready to give you honest solutions.

Dr. Puneet Dhawan, Ayurvedic nephrologist recommends the following tests before opting any kidney treatment:

● Blood Tests: A blood test is recommended to know the levels of protein & creatinine in the blood
● Urine Output measurements: The number of times you urinate signifies the renal perfusion
● Kidney Biopsy: In this test, a fragment of tissues from your kidney is taken to diagnose the level and stages of kidney diseases.
● Urine Tests: 24 hours of urine tests reveal how much urine is your kidney is producing in a single day. Whether it is foamy or has a change in color, that later helps in diagnosing the type of treatment you need.
● Imaging: Ultrasound, CT scans, and other imaging tests are recommended to know the abnormality of kidneys with the reports showing the images of it.

These tests will help the nephrologists to read your condition clearly so that he can continue with all the herbs and natural edibles for the treatment.

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