Getting relief from Nephrotic Syndrome with Ayurvedic Treatment


Introduction to nephrotic syndrome

Nephrotic syndrome is not a disease but a group of symptoms that appear when the human kidneys stop working properly.

The small blood vessels in the kidneys perform a filter that throws out the waste and excess of water from the blood. This water and waste thus travel to the bladder and vacate the body in the form of urine. These small vessels are a significant part of the filtering part of the kidneys, glomeruli. Damaged glomeruli let the excess of protein slide through these filters and enter the urine. The result thus obtained is known as nephrotic syndrome. It is a treatable condition that can affect the living of both children and adults.

The condition of nephrotic syndrome can be acknowledged by certain changes in the body such as leakage of too much protein in the urine, high levels of cholesterol and fats in the blood, low levels of protein in the blood, and swelling of legs, feet, ankles, and hands. The condition can be prevented from getting worse with the nephrotic syndrome Ayurvedic treatment as these treatments are natural and organic with zero or no side effects. In this blog, we will discuss the Ayurvedic methods that have done wonders for the kidneys in such a condition.

Nephrotic syndrome Ayurvedic treatment

Ayurveda is considered the Mother of all healings. All the treatments in Ayurveda are oriented towards eliminating the cause of the disease rather than the symptoms. A disease treated and the causes cannot come back, but the disease can come back whose symptoms were targeted by the medicines. All these modern-day medications are making money from the population in the name of good and high standard treatment. Still, in reality, allopathy is nowhere around Ayurveda when it comes to the complete and proper treatment of the disease.

Ayurveda believes that the human body comprises three doshas - Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. Destruction of any of these doshas causes disease in the human body. As per Ayurveda, nephrotic syndrome is caused due to the extermination of Pitta dosha. Ayurvedic treatment for Nephrotic syndrome provides patients with medications that help in the balancing of Pitta dosha.

Any Ayurvedic treatment related to kidneys involves an analysis of the body and prescription of herbs accordingly. Moreover, some dietary changes help in the prevention of the progression of nephrotic syndrome.

1. Patients of nephrotic syndrome are suggested to avoid Trans fats and saturated fats.
2. It is vital to consume the correct amount of protein.
3. Increase the use of unsaturated fats such as olive oil, avocadoes, peanut butter, fish, and nuts.
4. It is also essential to monitor the intake of fluid. Fluid here is referred to like all kinds of fluid and foods that tend to be in their liquid form at room temperature.
5. Limiting the intake of sodium is necessary as food rich in sodium can elevate the blood pressure and make the swelling more serious.
6. Food rich in sodium includes cheese, canned, and processed food. It is important to maintain a distance from such food items.
7. Nephrotic syndrome Ayurvedic medicine involves the consumption of food, which is a rich source of vitamin and soluble fiber.
8. Consumption of fruits like citrus fruits, apples, and strawberries can help in getting rid of cholesterol.
9. Vegetables like carrots and celery protect the proper functioning of the kidneys.

Nephrotic syndrome Ayurvedic treatment is all about taking care of the kidneys with herbs, diet, and a proper light workout.

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